A crowd of over 10,000 at the University of Tasmania Stadium on 27 January witnessed an epic battle between the North Melbourne and Hawthorn Football Clubs, captained by Ricky Ponting and Damien Fleming respectively.
A last ball win by the Roos was almost incidental as the main focus was on raising funds for cancer and health-related projects in Tasmania. While the final figure has yet to be announced, the amount raised is thought to be well in excess of $300,000, inclusive of the matching contribution from the Tasmanian State Government.
A massive thank you to everyone who supported the game, particularly both AFL clubs and their current and past players, Damien Fleming, Peter Siddle, John Hastings, George Bailey, Tim Paine, the State Government of Tasmania, City of Launceston, University of Tasmania Stadium, Virgin Australia, Country Club Tasmania and the Federal Group. A big shout out also to the media organisations and individuals who helped promote the game.
Watch highlights from the game here